Read Children’s Books That Teach Us God Isn’t Keeping Score

We are all worthy of pure unconditional love no matter our religious orientation or beliefs. Picture books and other books for kids are great tools to have when teaching your message of love to your kids. Books will help to you explain that there is only one truth in this world and that one truth is LOVE! Everything good stems from love.

We also have to understand that feeling guilty is negative and pointless; humans have imperfections so if you made a mistake or did something wrong that’s okay, say you are sorry and let it go. Thank God for loving the hot mess you sometimes are. Your children will learn from your actions so be sure to love yourself! If someone has hurt you accept them as God’s flawed loved one and forgive them.

Ask the Lord to send His guardian angels to help you align with His promises in His Word to heal all pain and to help you notice the good in people.