Make your tax deductible holiday book donation today with Angels on Your Pillow. 

Dear Friends, Family and all Kind Loving Souls,

Another “Devine Download” has come to me similar to years ago when I awoke one morning knowing I had been given a very special mission from God to write “Angels on Your Pillow” picture books. This has been so amazing  because, all at once I knew with every cell in my body that  “my calling” was to bring awareness of God’s pure unconditional love to generations of families and not just to children but to the people reading my books to themselves or to others. God especially wants me to highlight the fact that we are all worthy of His great love and that we are loved more than we will ever know and that His angels of the children including unborn children are near. 

My new “Divine Download” is to use “Angels on Your Pillow” as well as my future books to help fight and cure mental illness and break patterns of hatred and anger in children as well as in adults. Think of how many lives would have been spared if the perpetrators of mass killings were diagnosed and treated for mental illness at a young age. 

As my writing has evolved the storylines and illustration ideas have unfolded before my eyes and my journey has led me to listen to God and to understand “what’s next”.  Helping others as well  donation a percentage of my book sales is my way of paying it forward but now I realize three  more important things: 

1. That I am supposed to create Angel Hugs Stores (that are online and brick and mortar). The Angel Hugs Stores will be similar to American Girl Doll Stores but will be filled with characters and angel related merchandise from the Angels on Your Pillow picture book series. Admittedly, I have no idea who I’ll meet and how this will come fruition but I am certain it will. 

2. That I am supposed to raise awareness and donations that are earmarked to promote mental wellness (also known as behavioral wellness). The world will be so much safer and better off when mental illness is diagnosed and treated, especially at a young age. 

3. That my efforts will be so much more beneficial to those in need if I organize  a way for people to buy copies of “Angels on Your Pillow”, have me write their messages of love and encouragement in each book and then I will ship the books to a charity associated with mental wellness such as, AMITA Health Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Facilities, The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,  or a charity of choice. My goal is to sell a total of 250 copies of “Angels on Your Pillow” as holiday donations this year. So I am asking you as well as other companies and individuals to purchase any number of “Angels on Your Pillow” picture books that you are comfortable with at 20.00 ea. which will include sales tax and shipping.  



Say XYZ Company agrees to donate a case of 27 books to AMITA Behavioral Health. XYZ Company spends $540.00 (which is tax deductible since this is a donation), they decide what they would like the dedication to say and then I will ship accordingly.

Say Jane Doe agrees to donate 5 books to Catholic Charities. Jane will spend $100.00 (which is tax deductible since this is a donation), Jane will decide what she would like the dedication to say and I will ship accordingly. 

The goal here is to get copies of “Angels on Your Pillow” (and future books) out to the masses as a means to spread God’s love! 

Please consider making a purchase of “Angels on Your Pillow” books as part of your generous giving by calling me 847.987.AOYP (2697) or emailing me at AND most importantly, please share this request with your contacts as well. We have a lot of love and well-being to share!

My sincere thanks to all for your past, present and future support of “Angels on Your Pillow” picture books and our upcoming Angel Hugs Stores!

There are loving angels all around you!

– Karen Lee Kelly, Angel Advocate and Author 

Here is a special Angel Hugs Song for you!