Angels on Your Pillow ~ Not Just a Book for Kids

Show your children that we can be angels here on earth by passing on God’s love through our thoughtful actions towards others.

Our angels want us to learn from them. They protect and love us even when things are tough. It is possible for us to be more like them and share the love with others.

Angelic acts can be big or small—public or private. Working through your church or with local charities is fantastic. Look for things that compel you. But also, these are things that you can incorporate into everyday life.

Here are a few possible angelic acts to get your wheels turning:

Give more compliments: Whether it be to family members, coworkers or strangers, there’s no reason not to say something positive OUT LOUD to someone. If you enjoy someone’s coat, hair-do, dog, essay…say it! Maybe’s it’s just the thing to cheer that person up.

Write down someone’s best qualities: Especially if you notice someone you know going through a hard time. Maybe it’s personal, maybe they’re just having a bad day. But, take a few minutes to write down the things you admire about them. It will help them remember that they have strengths that can help them get through difficulties.

Sticky notes: Yes! The possibilities with this one are unending. What message would you like to spread to your fellow humans? That they are loved? That they are perfect just the way they are? That they are stronger than they realize? That many have blazed a trail before them so that they can now spread their wings? Anything you want. Write it on colorful sticky notes and keep them with you. You’ll be surprised how many sneaky places you will find to leave them: at a gas pump, a bus stop, drinking fountain, bathroom mirror, parked cars, in a children’s book in the library! You can start by doing it at home and see who finds them first…

If you are getting into the writing thing… This non-profit is a simple concept of sending letters to people who could use some cheering up. Click here and check it out //

Ask an older person to tell you about their past. Not only will you learn a lot, they will be so glad you asked. Life moves so quickly, and sometimes older people can feel left behind. But they have seen and done so much. There are many good stories to share!

Help in the kitchen: Yup, even this is an angelic act. Usually one person is in charge of making meals in a family. Helping them prepare or clean up would absolutely brighten their day—guaranteed!

After you’ve done a few of these, you could start to feel like you’re sprouting some wings. At least, you’ll have a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Why don’t you share what you’ve done with us? We’d love to hear more…